Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dorothy Anne Margaret GINA Sass Frogger Sissy Sistaw Roth DoddyDoodles

Dorothy, the Floridian

Monday: After getting home at 1am from the Jacksonville airport, I took the "scenic route" by accident, my sister Dorothy Anne Margaret (yes, that's really her name!) and I wasted no time in taking fun pictures and laughing our heads off! Here's just a few, I tried to pick the highlights. This was also the night our realtor, Tasya, came over to tell us that an offer had been placed on our condo. Here's Tom and Dorothy's reaction to the excitement:

They just couldn't contain themselves! Anyway, Katie Tischler came over and we watched "Little Miss Sunshine" (great movie, by the way) and Dor got to sleep on our death trap futon. After 2 nights, Tom spent the rest of the week sleeping on it ;) He's the best! Well, he was also sick and didn't want us to catch his cold, but still what a guy!

Tuesday: Since I'm on vacation too, Dor and I got to hang out all day long. We went for a long walk (to the vet school and back) and watched Ellen.

Wednesday: It's official, our Gainesville condo is sold!! Wow, what a relief and yet I'm sad to leave this house we've made a home. Dor and I went to the Florida pool on campus and laid out in the sun. What a beautiful day! Then we went to the mall...Forever 21, miller's at night, Grey's, fun, amelia walking!!!!

Thursday: laundry, cleaned for Becky's party, went out downtown (laughing uncontrollably), Grey's at sarah's, drinking, laughing, dancing


(cowritten by Sarah)

We celebrated Becky’s impending doom happy celebration of future marriage. What a blast! There were several moments of uncontrollable laughter (Sarah almost peed from laughing so hard) and many censored moments that I can't share on this blog. Just use your imagination:

Dorothy the rockstar & co-pole-dancer (Donnie's pole, as lovingly presented by Sarah & Dor):


Mean Sissy:

Wrapping up the festivities at Marketstreet and heading to RueBar next, where Amy forgot the rest of the night:

"It's just so magical..."

This is what Sarah & Josie did when they heard Dorothy Dorcas Dodo Princess Sass had to leave:

Amelia was VERY ANGRY (“Come back, Dorcas! Auntie T. McGee!” is specifically what she said):

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Gainesville Marathon, February 18 2007

Congratulations to Christen Buman and Lisa Merrell for completing the Gainesville Half Marathon!! Tom and I couldn't run it ourselves, but wanted to cheer on our good friends as they ran the daunting 13.1 miles. It started at 7am and we met up with Bob Merrell and Matt Buman at the starting area just in time to see them off. It was a chilly morning for Gainesville, but probably an amazing day to run. Lisa and Christen did awesome and finished in just over 2 hours. Great job girls!

Here's an action shot!

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Happy Valentine's Day!

We celebrated Valentine's day fondu style at the Miller's house. It was so much fun! Toni Miller, Fritz's mom, was in town and Christen Buman and Lisa Merrell came over and we had cheese and chocolate fondu...yum! The boys made their own pesto pizzas, which were also delicious. As you probably guessed we left feeling very full, but we still got to play our favorite "camara" game. This is where we set the timer on the camara so that it takes a series of pictures every few seconds. Then we get into a group pose for a picture, and then yell out actions (sucking a lemon), emotions (scared), job descriptions (body builder) that everyone has to act out. We started this game at the Buman's when Christen and I surprised the boys with dinner and love playing it whenever we all get together. We all died laughing and then decided to play "camara Chinese fire drill" where instead of making faces, you had to change places!

The night was super fun, and we made so much noise laughing we woke up Amelia! Sorry Baby (for all you "Old Schoolers"). She is too cute!

Gotta love celebrating holidays with such amazing friends! Valentine's Day morning Tom made me the best breakfast in bed and wrote me the cutest poem ever. It was such a great day!

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Tom's trip to Disney

The Wonderful World of Disney! February 11, 2007
From left to right: Ryan, Rhys, Tom, and Matt
Last Saturday, Tom went down to Orlando to see Matt DelPriore, a friend from NJ, who was visiting Orlando. Matt's girlfriend, Stacy, is a cheerleading coach and each year there is a big cheerleading competition at Walt Disney World. Tom went down with 2 friends from work, Ryan and Rhys. I couldn't go because I was on-call for pathology, but that didn't stop them from having a blast. Apparently, the new Animal Kingdom rollercoaster Mt. Everest was awesome.
Here's some more pics:

Matt and Stacy

Ryan, Tom and Rhys

Are those the Spartan cheerleaders from SNL?? Oh wait it's Tom and Stacy sporting their moves outside Animal Kingdom! Notice there's never pictures with me being gymnastically inclined...I don't pretend to have any acrobatic ability whatsoever. But I love watching Tom be a monkey when and wherever possible.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Large Animal Surgery

My first rotation back in the hospital at the vet school was large animal surgery. It was a blast, so busy but so fun! I had a great group to work with during the 2 weeks. Our surgery rotation is broken down into 2 groups of students and each group works with one resident and one attending clinician. It was funny because my group was all large animal oriented and the other group wound up being all small animal students! It was also the rotation to do tie-back surgeries, which is to correct paralysis of a muscle in the larynx that causes "roaring." They took a long time, but we all got really good at retracting and in one of the surgeries the endoscope caught fire inside the larynx! That can only be exciting in vet school!
My surgery Group
(From left to right, Sherry Blenden, me, Dr. Matyjaszek, and Johanna Elfenbein)

There was a special patient on our rotation who had been at the hospital since September! He suffered a right forelimb fracture that he had plated and then arthrodesed (fusion of the fetlock joint) and has been recovering well since. He was a Paso Fino stallion named "Mujeriego" which in spanish translates to a "player" or "womanizer." He definitely stole our hearts, despite his little quirks.

Here's Kerri Mitton trying to catch the pig we spayed. Her name was Maddy and she really didn't want anything to do with getting her treatments.

Here's some more pics...