Saturday, May 12 2007
This weekend marked the first annual MEDS fiesta hosted by the one and only Dr. Porter. MEDS stands for Mobile Equine Diagnostic Services and is one of the rotations offered to junior and senior students interested in equine veterinary medicine. Dr. Porter is the doc in charge of the service so we (I mean he) invited us to his beautiful house to celebrate with all of the graduating seniors who have enjoyed 2 weeks on the rotation!
From left to right: Harvey, Erin, Candy, Kitty Milton, Sam, Becky, Tom, Katie, Joe, Barry, and Karl (I was the photographer)
It was a pot-luck dinner with the main dish, ropa vieja, a traditional Columbian meal prepared by Dr. Porter. Sam, of course, provided the musical entertainment. She updated her iPod and it rocked! We danced all night got crazy, the usual when we all get together and make fruity girl drinks!
More dance moves...
Since the majority of our class is married, we all brought our men (and women, since there were 2 guys who came). This included Joe, Tom's oldest brother, flew into G-vegas on Thursday. We didn't have to twist his arm to join in the festivities.