Twas the night before christmas and the cats were excited, for their parents were home and they were delighted!
The morning came quick as Queen Sass (amy) had to rise, and the drive into work 2 hours fore the sunrise. The snow it was falling and would continue you'll see, the first white christmas for the youngest Tanis family.
The horses were nesseled all snug in their stall, as we left the clinic amidst the snowfall.
On prancer, and Amy and Tom through the snow, to Dr. Gaughn's house for dinner with "family" below!
The cats were our guards for the tree was ginormous, a 3 foot red wood in our house oh how glorious!
The cats were hung by the tormentor with care, while visions of no internship soon would be there. With Amy in her pj's and I in mine too, we missed our family and friends so much, never again to be blue. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!