Tuesday, December 19, 2007
What a fun time visiting my sister Dorothy's 4th grade class! I was able to bring our dog, Cubby, into school with me and give a presentation on what a healthy dog should look and act like. They loved being able to pet him and ask questions about their own pets. This picture is of her students, Cubby and me after the talk. Cubby loved all the attention.
It was really nice to be home and able to relax with the Cuda family before the holiday weekend hit full swing. Unfortunately, Tom had to work that week, so he was very missed.
Thursday, December 21, 2007
As hard as it is to see EVERYONE you want to get together with when we go home for the holidays, I was lucky enough to spend a night with some Rutgers friends. Jamie Jandasek, Keri Lages, and Kim's family all gathered at the new Brownlie residence. What a beautiful home Kim and Bobby have! It was such a fun little reunion catching up with college friends and reminiscing about all the good times we had at RU...and what a football season! Definitely not something we were accostomed to when we were there! I had so much fun seeing friends from home...Tom we missed you, but Bobby made sure I got a picture of his ridiculously nice entertainment center to make you feel better :)
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