After 4 awesome years living in Gainesville, it was time to say least for a week. Tom and I packed up a moving truck with all of our big stuff (with the help of great friends of course) and moved it all out to Colorado. The sadness was brightened by the knowledge that we would be back for my graduation in a week's time. But it was still hard realizing that we'd be leaving our home soon.
Here are some pics from the morning we left. This is the back of the Penske we rented. We actually fit all our belongings in a 16 footer.
In the Miller's driveway with Fritz, Sarah, Miels, Tom, Amy, Christen and Matt
So sad leaving our "new home" at the Miller's house. Here's our "family photo"
Of course the morning before we do anything special, we have to go to our traditional gathering place...Panera!! Bob, Matt, and Christen (no Lisa, she had school) met us for coffee and breakfast to see us off.
After saying our goodbyes, we (Tom) loaded our car onto the dolly and we were finally Colorado bound! The route we mapped out took us north through Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Kansas to Colorado. It was a long drive, since our maximum speed was 60 mph!! Good thing we had Harry Potter on CD to get us through! The entire trip took us about 3 days; we stopped in Chattanooga, TN and Manhattan, KS for overnight stays.
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