November 10, 2007
Better late than never....
Better late than never....
This post is just a random assortment of pictures from our summer and fall here in Littleton. Amy starting her internship at LLAC, Tom starting his job at Colorado Athletic Club and everything in between.
Here are the people I spend more time with than my internmates. They are all great and I love them dearly. We are a great team and without their help, I'd be in trouble!
Dave, goofing off in ICU. He's the only guy intern this year and has done a great job putting up with so much estrogen!
Dave, goofing off in ICU. He's the only guy intern this year and has done a great job putting up with so much estrogen!
Kaylan, our Canadian, striking a pose in Griffendor (the name of our desk)!
Becky, the bat catcher. Yes, there were bats living upstairs this summer.
Alani, picture time! We love her, even though she's from Fargo :)
Me, hamming it up in anesthesia. I'm very camara shy, can't you tell.
Here are all the girls at Cristina's bachelorette party. We went out to dinner at On The Border and then next door to dance at Lodo's. Unfortunately the DJ was terrible, but we made the best of it and had fun!

This collage is just some of the procedures that we've done since I've started. The top left, I'm emptying a cecum during colic surgery; top right Dr. Gaughan and I are lancing a peri-anal abscess; bottom left is a laceration I sutured up on a 3 year old (unhandled) mustang; bottom right I'm taking digital pulses on one of our post-op colic patients.

My internmates have become my family and I love these girls. We try and have fun outside of work: going for walks with their dogs, Starbucks in the mornings (when we don't have rounds), going out to dinner (we love Nono's restaruant), and breakfast rounds at Panera!

It would be an even tougher year if we didn't try and make the best out of our long hours. Laughing and taking funny pictures is what we do best. Here are just a few of the smiling faces at LLAC!
We've had some very special patients during our first 4 months here. You spend so much time with the horses and put so much energy into getting them well, it's difficult not to get attached. Some of my favorites so far have been these guys: Cuba (top left), Bambi (top right), Bud (bottom left), and Hap (bottom right).
More cute horses that we've become attached to....Sam, he didn't make it and we miss him dearly (top left), Nona (top right), Jackie (bottom left), and of course all the mini foals.
Here are some pics of our dear little kitties enjoying their Colorado home. We like to dress them up and show them new things like snow. They are definitely snuggley and Chai is still our "sassy squeeze box!"

Here are a few pictures that Tom took of where he works. I finally got to visit 4 months after we moved here and everyone who met me said, "so she does exist." It is a beautiful gym and Tom works with some nice people.
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