The first month of 2008 has been a busy one, but as always we try to make it as fun as possible!
January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
I was primary on call that week so needless to say my New Year’s Eve was less exciting than most years. It was a freezing night in Littleton and luckily I didn’t have any calls to go out on. So instead Becky, Jordy, Alani and I had a dance party up in the “leaning tower” (what we call the apartment above the clinic that Becky and Jordy live in, it’s literally falling over). It was just the 4 of us, but we had fun. Becky and I learned the “Soulja Boy” dance and Jordy showed us a few of his signature moves…hysterical!
Stacy and Matt at our apartment
Tom went out with Matt DelPreore and his girlfriend Stacy who were visiting from NJ. Matt went to the same highschool as I did and then wound up being Tom’s freshman roommate at Rutgers…it’s a long story but it’s kind of through him that we met. They went to dinner and then came home in time enough to say “happy new year!” to me as I was in bed already…I’ve decided that this year doesn’t count when it comes to holidays or having any sort of life outside work.
January 10, 2008
Amidst a schedule that doesn’t allow much time to enjoy each other’s company outside of work, my favorite internmates and I look forward to any morning we can get away to Starbucks for some coffee. We are “regulars” at a local `Bucks just down the road from the clinic. It’s so fun to get away from the clinic, even if it’s just for a few minutes in the morning…although it’s becoming an expensive habit!
Me & Kaylan

Becky & Alani
That's a serious white chocolate mocha Kersh...
Alani can't wait for the table...she's also drunk in this picture.
Kaylan is so excited for her awake tea! (like she needs to be more "awake")
January 12, 2008
Since I only have a few weekends off for the rest of the year, Tom and I try to go exploring somewhere new. We were going to visit Glenwood Springs, but traffic was so bad we decided to go somewhere closer. We wound up driving up to Fort Collins, which is where CSU and the vet school is. It was a cute town and we found a beautiful park overlooking the reservoir. It was a lot of fun to hike around…and we can’t resist the photo opps!
This is one of my favorite pics...isn't the sky amazing!

We celebrated our 4 year anniversary (sort 0f) by going to coffee at Starbucks and enjoying some QT hiking in the trails near the reservoir in Ft. Collins.

January 18-20, 2008
National Western Stock Show
Traditionally, LLAC works the National Western Stock Show every year. So…the interns rotated staying in a hotel in downtown Denver and being the attending veterinarian at the NWSS for the month it was in the works. It was work of course, but it was also a lot of fun. Tom got to come and stay with me during some of the time. Heather is one of the vet assistants that works at LLAC during her school vacations, who also came along for the fun. We got to see everything from Western pleasure and performance classes, to Hunters, Jumpers and rodeos! Lots of horses doing every job you can imagine! But it’s not just horses at the stock show (hence the name), it’s also like a state fair in that there is everything from steers and heifers to chickens, goats, and rabbits being shown. There are also art exhibits and a huge trade show where fair food (yum!) and too many vendors to describe. It was an awesome event…here’s some pics.
We're off to the races...

I don't know, it looks like Heather is doing more than racing...does she need a bathroom? :)

Dustin, Dr. Dunbar and Heather watching horses warm up in the warm-up arena.
The vet truck parked outside the extraordinarily scenic area in the far corner of the facility where we had our luxurious office (that's a joke by the way). Heather's givin the thumbs up for how much fun we had... we were actually pretty slow most days but got to watch a lot of the shows.
The "kid's" petting zoo...we must be kids at heart since we spent a lot of time here! that not the cutest little face. He loved to suck on our fingers
Rodeo nights at the stock show were fun. The best was the "mutton bustin" where little kids get put on sheep and hold on for their lives as the sheep make a run for it. Then they all get trophies that are twice as tall as they are. So funny! The other events are exciting too...the bucking broncs are always fun to watch and the shows that are put on in between events are pretty entertaining.
January 24th, 2008
Visit to Glenwood Springs
My first job interview...yes first real job...was in Glenwood Springs, CO. My internmate Becky is also applying for the job so we went together for our interviews. What a gorgeous town tucked up in the mountains. It had a really cute downtown area where Becky and I had lunch. The clinic was really quaint and nice too. It was a treat to be away from the clinic! Here's a few highlights of our visit.

Glenwood springs...Becky and I at the cafe, some mountain views, and a picture of the clinic
1 comment:
Hey Amy,
Just found your blog courtesy of Kelly Kirk and it really brought a smile to my face. How is job hunting? I wish you were heading this way! Check out our new blog sometime soon - by the way we're pregnant! Miss you much! ~Bri
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